Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- Rails on Docker и Test Drive Your Dockerfiles with RSpec and ServerSpec
- Different Methods for Merging Ruby Hashes, Why attr_accessor is 3x faster than getters and setters, and 8x faster than define_method и The Life of an HTTP Request in Rails
- Life Beyond Rails: A Brief Look at Alternate Web Frameworks for Ruby и Using PostgreSQL and jsonb with Ruby on Rails
- Predicting Test Failures и RSpec-Varys - a plugin to RSpec-Mocks that generates new specs for any unverified calls to test-doubles
- Why doesn’t my code work outside of Rails? и What is Rack?
- HTTP/2 Proposed Standard и RSCSS — Reasonable Standard for CSS Stylesheet Structure
- Introduction to Facebook’s Flux architecture и Introducing Relay and GraphQL
- Terrible JavaScript Mistakes To Avoid With A Static Code Analyzer и Solving common node/io.js callback problems
- Vega: A Visualization Grammar, DarkLord - NodeJS Authentication Solution и JS2PNG - hide Javascript code inside PNG images
- DefiantJS - perform lightning-fast searches on JSON using XPath expressions, ItemSlide.js - a simple and beautiful touch carousel и Memory-stats.js - minimal monitor for JS Heap Size via performance.memory
- Мастер-класс “PostgreSQL - настраиваем и масштабируем”. Используйте промокод rwpod_SM для получения 10% скидки.