Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- InfraRuby 3.6 - a statically-typed Ruby which compiles into Java Bytecode, Phusion Passenger 5.0.4 и Rails 4 Performance Tips
- Numeric Bases and Defining Your Own и Ignore query strings in Ruby on Rails caching with rack-cache
- The Recipe for the World’s Largest Rails Monolith и 3 ways to integrate Ruby on Rails + React + Flux
- Creating a Ruby DSL и Regexy - collection of useful regular expressions for ruby and rails
- React v0.13 и React Is A Terrible Idea
- Churn и Taming the asynchronous beast with ES7
- ArchieML - a structured text format optimized for human writability, LocalFont - Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds и CSS Sans - a font made only with CSS
- Side Effects in CSS и Выразительный Javascript (перевод на русский)