Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. В данном кафе поговорим про React.js, Flux, React Native, React-Router, ImmutableJS, Flow, Babel:
- React.js
- React (and why it’s awesome)
- JSX Looks Like An Abomination
- Is ReactJS really fast?
- What is Virtual DOM
- Virtual DOM Benchmark
- React To The Future With Isomorphic Apps
- Going Isomorphic with React
- Flux
- Creating A Simple Shopping Cart with React.js and Flux
- Replaying bugs with Flux
- React-Router
- ImmutableJS
- The React.js Way: Flux Architecture with Immutable.js
- Flow
- React Intl
- Babel
- React Native
- Diary of Building an iOS App with React Native