Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- Elixir v1.0, Ruby and Go Sitting in a Tree и 3 Steps to Fix Encoding Problems in Ruby
- StackProf: The Holy Grail of Rails Profiling и How to debug Ruby memory issues
- Why I wouldn’t use rails for a new company и Awesome Rails Gem - collection of awesome Ruby Gems for Rails development
- Git punish, Decontaminator - Ruby HTML sanitizer based on a lightweight Oga parser, Jobless - ruby DSL for generating CVs и Twemoji - Twitter emoji in Ruby
- Node.js v4.1.0, ESLint v1.4.0 и React Native for Android
- Runtime.js — JavaScript library OS, Bosonic - a practical collection of everyday Web Components и StarCraft - HTML5 version of StarCraft game
- Creating Cel Animations With SVG, How I Live-Coded My Most-Hearted Pen, Subresource Integrity и Speck.js - comments that automagically convert into full test spec files
- Micromono - write microservices in monolithic style, Gotham - simple Coffeescript framework, End-To-End is a Chrome extension that helps you encrypt, decrypt, digitally sign, and verify signed messages within the browser using OpenPGP и SQLite Viewer