Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- First Beta of ROM 1.0.0 Has Been Released, Infinite Sequences in Ruby и Is it nil?
- Choosing my editor for Ruby on Rails, Sidekiq Best Practices и A curated list of lists of interview questions
- Startup Playbook (free book), Keynote and Q&A: Matz (RubyConf 2015, video) и NeuralTalk and Walk
- Refactoring a JavaScript Application to Use Microservices: What we Learned With Backbone and Marionette, The Story Behind the New WordPress.com и Dance to Calypso
- How do Promises Work?, 10 things to know about Gulp и How PostCSS became 1.5x faster by changing 2 lines of code
- Documentcss - create live style guides with interactive examples, that change as your design does, Responsify.js - a jquery plugin that makes images truly responsive и The Silver Bullet Syndrome by Hadi Hariri (video)