Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- Ruby 2.3.1, 2.2.5 Released, Changes to test controllers in Rails 5, Rails 5 officially supports MariaDB и The Road to Sinatra 2.0
- How I hunted the most odd ruby bug, When to avoid the DRY principle и 6 Reasons to Choose Ruby on Rails (RoR) to Build Web Application
- Using Webpack with Middleman, How to Find Ruby Code Smells with Reek и Thredded is a Rails 4.2+ forum/messageboard engine
- V8 Release 5.1, Finally, CSS In JavaScript! Meet CSSX и Jarvis: an Amazon Echo clone in your browser with PageNodes
- LazyDOM — an experiment to bring virtual DOM to the browser natively, Tabular Input - one-line text fields in a tabular format, Kewler is a simple functional and immutable color manipulation library, Chart.js 2.0 и Scrollbear is a tool that maintains the container scroll position when images loaded
- Awesome ESLint, TypeScript Deep Dive (book), MaintainableCSS (book) и EmberConf 2016 (videos)