Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- The Lego Way of Structuring Rails Code, Simple tips to make scaling your database easier as you grow и Hash Tables Explained
- How to DRY out your RSpec Tests using Shared Examples и Autocomplete Using Redis
- Sidekiq-merger - merge sidekiq jobs occurring before the execution times, Relaxo - a transactional database built on top of git. It’s aim is to provide a robust interface for document storage and sorted indexes и Decoding and Interacting with Barcodes
- How to Achieve Reusability with React Components и Why Webpack 2’s Tree Shaking is not as effective as you think
- Top mentioned books on stackoverflow.com, Distributed Object Protocol и Mnemonist - curated collection of data structures for the JavaScript language
- Kap - an open-source screen recorder built with web technology, Lepton - a lean GitHub Gist Desktop Client based on Electron, Dante II - just another medium clone built on top of DraftJs и Notti.js - dead simple user notification