Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- A Top Shelf Web Stack—Rails 5 API + ActiveAdmin + Create React App и 8 Useful Ruby on Rails Gems We Couldn’t Live Without
- 3 Useful Lessons from Installing Thinking Sphinx on Engine Yard и Shared Libraries: How Ruby and C Work Together
- Ruby 2D - make cross-platform 2D applications in Ruby и Rack::Freeze - provides a policy for Rack middleware which should be frozen by default to prevent mutability bugs in a multi-threaded environment
- React Router v4.0.0, Build your own React Router v4, Hey! Have you heard about Vue.js? и Vue.js Component Style Guide
- Scrolling on the web: A primer, Should you learn [insert shiny new tool]? и WebAssembly: Under the hood with Mozilla
- Quiet.js - transmit and receive data in the browser at 44.1kHz, Numscrubber.js - change values of input numbers by dragging the mouse left & right, Blurify.js - a library to blurred pictures, support graceful downgrade from css mode to canvas mode и LayerJS - UI composition & animation library for websites and webapps