Добрый день уважаемые слушатели. Представляем новый выпуск подкаста RWpod. В этом выпуске:
- Ruby 2.5 introduces Dir.children and Dir.each_child, Sending an e-mail to millions of users и Improving Ruby Performance with Rust
- Spend less on Google Translate, Resque::Fifo::Queue - implementation of a sharded First-in First-out queue using Redis and Resque и Sequel-pg_advisory_lock - an extension for ruby Sequel library that allows using PostgreSQL advisory locks for application-level mutexes
- The Cost Of JavaScript, Why we have banned default exports in Javascript and you should do the same, How to greatly improve your React app performance и The Performance Cost of Server Side Rendered React on Node.js
- React Spreadsheet Grid, React Chartkick - create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of React, Bemto-components - smart components for using BEM methodology with React и Imaskjs - vanilla javascript input mask