Доброго дня шановні слухачі. Представляємо новий випуск подкасту RWpod. У цьому випуску:
- Rails Version 8.0.2 has been released!
- Introducing Sidekiq 8.0
- RBS comments support
- DNS lookup from scratch
- Compile Ruby apps with Tebako
- What’s The Deal With Ractors?
- There Isn’t Much Point to HTTP/2 Past The Load Balancer
- The Pitchfork Story
- Advanced Queries in ActiveRecord for Ruby on Rails
- Create a Animated Counter in Stimulus
- RubyLLM - a delightful Ruby way to work with AI
- A 10x Faster TypeScript
- Michigan TypeScript Founder Successfully Runs Doom Inside TypeScript’s Type System
- Think JavaScript Is Slow? Here’s How JIT (Just In Time) Compilation Makes It 100x Faster Instantly
- Svelvet - build and interact with node-based user interfaces using Svelte
- Heat.js - a powerful Heat Map and Chart
- Zoompinch - apply a pinch-and-zoom experience that’s feels native
- Mastra - a TypeScript AI Framework from the Gatsby Team